Thread: Thinning hair
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Old 08-11-2011, 04:04 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
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My RN granddaughter said that I have symptoms of low Thyroid problems. Thinning hair, loss of outer eyebrows, always cold, diet but can't lose weight..there are others but those are what I remember her talking about. Also hearing loss, but I think that in my family it's an inherited problem, every one of my siblings and I wear hearing aids, as do a lot of our kids. Lots of other symptoms I find on the internet now, but don't relate to me.

A chemist cousin said there's another Thyroid test beyond the TSH one, because the regular TSH one can grab onto fluorine, all the "ines" in our food and declares the result is normal, while it is really low. And he said to try to find an herbal alternative if the one Dr. prescribes doesn't work out.
. I'm going to discuss it with my DR in my next month's appointment (first doctor's visit in 6 or so years)
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