Thread: In Love!!!
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Old 08-12-2011, 09:48 AM
Lori S
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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I have issues with my printer really not liking the thinner papers. But love how easliy the thinner paper is to remove.... so on those projects that I just know I am not going to want to take out all those thicker papers I do the following
1. Spray baste a piece of large cardboard( very sparily)
2. Take my thinner paper and lay it on the prepared cardboard
( this keeps it from shifting)
3. Lay the original pattern on top
3. Take one of those dress makers wheel makers with the pattern trace , and slip the pattern trace paper in between.
4. The the wheel with my rotary cutter ruler and go over the lines . You can use the tip of a butter knife as well to transfer the pattern.
I know it sounds like alot of work but , it saves time on removing the thick paper from the project, and saves HUGE on not having to clear a paper jam from the thin paper , which by the way is alot harder to remove from my printer/copier than thick paper.
Note the cardboard will stay tacky for more than a few weeks.
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