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Old 06-08-2009, 06:37 PM
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I have three kids and you have to hang in there! It will get better! You have to hang on to the fact that you have taught them the best you can but there comes a time when they have to make their own mistakes.
The good values you taught them are in there some where!! They will remember that when they get a little older!

One of my sons left home a few weeks after getting his first car. He was 16. I could have drug him home but knowing my 7 bil's and how they were as well as my husband at that age I chose to keep the lines of communication open and pray for the best. He had a good home life but he is a strong willed :lol: :lol: person!! He dropped out of school and worked at McDonalds but now he is 32 married to a great lady and has 4 kids 2 and 1/2 grandkids and is a partner with his uncle in their electric business. He works long hours and is a great dad. He cooks and cleans and is remodeling their house right now between jobs and family. He married at 19 and became an instant hands on dad to a 4-6-8 yr olds and is a decent upstanding person.

So this son of mine who used to fight and hang out with people who did drugs came through all of this to be a great caring person and we are really proud of him but...

From the age of 16 to 19 he turned our hair gray and we did a lot of talking to him and a lot of praying!!!!!! Worst period of my life!!

My youngest son who is now 31 is another story! Hard working family man but makes some not so great decisions! Still has me on my knees praying!!

Just keep hanging in there! We have had our share of bad days as a parent and as grandparents!!!!
Hope you see some sunshine soon!
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