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Old 08-14-2011, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by gale
Any baby that gets a quilt can lay on it for play time or tummy time or whatever (when our kids were little when they were awake we always laid them on something due to accidents, spit up, etc-quilts are much easier to wash than the carpet), and by the time they are toddlers they will be so attached to it and drag it around everywhere and by then, they can use it as a regular quilt or a cape or a secret hideout or wrap their baby dolls in it or whatever. Win-win.

That was a run-on sentence, but you get my drift. :D
This thread caught my attention because I'm making a quilt for a girl at work (I just got the job and found out I'm replacing her because she's due in 2 weeks) and for some reason, I felt in my heart to make her a quilt for her little baby boy. After reading all these comments, I think I might make sure to let her know not to put it in the crib.

But as for the quote, I remember when my little brother still took naps and we would spend the day at my grandma's house. Well, she was afraid to put him in the bed for naps because he was little and rolled around a lot, so she laid out the quilt my mom made for her on her carpeted dining room floor for him to sleep on with a few pillows on one side so he wouldn't roll into the chairs. I think quilts are great for play time, you'd be suprised how many baby blankets I had (only granddaughter and closest great granddaughter) I used to lay them all out on the floor when I was little so I'd have a bigger "play area"
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