Old 08-15-2011, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by jpthequilter
Originally Posted by Foxflower
Actually, we live on a farm. There is a small irrigation stream that runs by the house. They hang out in that. It has lots of trees, shrubs, etc for cover and shade. When that was dry last year I set up a shallow stock tank for them. Thankfully I don't need to do that this year...what a pain to drain and clean. I've given up hunting for the duck eggs. I have hard enough time finding all those free range chicken eggs and am sadly highly unsuccessful-- little stinkers.
I used to live on a farm too! I understand you perfectly!
We had 200 chickens, but kept the feed troughs in the old chicken house, We filled those in the evening, Kept the chickens in over night or really bad weather and let them out in the morning. We had a bunch of pole roosts and lots of box nests, which they used, which made the egg gathering easier. Otherwise, they were free range.
200 :shock: chickens? You must have had quite the egg selling business going on. I had 60 and have been selling hens and giving away chicks....tooo many chickens! It has gotten expensive to feed them. Out here in farm country eggs don't demand the same price they do in more urban areas either. We do enjoy raising poultry. I might try geese, turkeys, or guineas sometime too. Any of you have those?
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