Old 08-15-2011, 03:50 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Sep 2007
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We did the turkeys, geese and also the guineas. My fav of these are the guineas...this is funny...we raised all these birds at a livery stable located in an older part of a really "ritzy" little town. The barn had been there for years and the neighborhood grew up around it...so these were nice nice homes- filled with "city" people. One day, the guineas escaped and were wandering around the neighbor. Of course, I got in the car and was driving around looking for them when I spotted them up in a tree in someone's front yard. Those of you who have heard the noise that guineas make would know that it was making quite the racket...These guys are better than watch dogs..believe me! Anyway, I'm rolling down the window to call to them when the "lady" of the house opens the front door wearing her robe and rollers- complete with the fuzzy high heeled slippers and screams at her DH " Harold, Harold!!! Come quick, there are TURKEYS in our tree!!! Call the police!!!"

As soon as I can quit laughing, I roll up the window and silently creep by..... LOL!!!
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