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Old 08-17-2011, 10:35 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Where the sun sets.
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My older brother was murdered when I was 30. My family couldn't cope with details about anything other than the funeral. I flew back East for the that and stayed to deal with the police, stolen property, collecting outstanding monies and eventually disposing of the business all the while two of the employees were trying to steal it. Since the murderer stole a lot of property, autos, business machines, and files, much had to be recreated and even reconstructed. Everything was taken "one crisis at a time".

One of the biggest things I learned was NEVER give original copies of anything to anyone. I didn't realize this until I gave an life insurance paper to them. Another thing is that even tho everyone will want an original death certificate, there are only two or three people/companies. Every thing turned out well and nearly everyone we had to deal with was helpful and compassionate. Most everything I did was to find out what the situation was and take their number. After I was able to discuss it or find out what was needed, I made notes about what I wanted to say and called them back WHEN I WAS PREPARED AND LESS STRESSED. You could do something similar so you can discuss it with your son.

My situation with DH would be different, and I have thought about. It is a scary prospect. I have a couple of pamphlets that I can refer to since I have no family here to rely on.
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