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Old 08-21-2011, 12:17 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Southern Arizona
Posts: 20

Big thanks to everyone for their's an update on the situation....When the email went out asking who was attending the next Bee (which is today, actually), I sent back a short response:"Sorry I won't be there this month, hope to see you all next month." I figured I would try every other month. Also, my friend was going to talk to the organizer, but it didn't happen. By accident, I bumped into the hostess, "Susan" yesterday; she asked me if everything was okay, and jokingly asked why I wasn't going to attend. I told her that I, and my friend, were tired of many things....the one quilter who continuosly reminds the group of her food allergies,what she can't eat, how she misses eggs,milk, etc and recounts her food testing for safe alternatives.(she does this in EVERY BEE ....all 4 that she belongs to! And has been telling us for 6 months or more.) The bossy quilters who try to force their opinions, and the unhelpful quilters who have few nice things to say, but they are the only ones allowed to talk. One of them called the Gabrielle Giffords shooting "an accident" And wouldn't listen to any other opinions. I was shocked. An accident?!!! I told "Susan" that my friend and I are usually very chatty, but we both are silent during the Bee. I told her we are new to the guild and have tons of questions, but these ladies shut us down every time. So WHO are we suppose to ask? I said that I had called the guild president about me helping with quilting for others....the Bee ladies said I shouldn't bother the president.So WHO are we suppose to ask? I said that perhaps my friend and I are perceived as too young to be acceptable to interact/converse with; and who wants that to happen to them? I told "Susan" we didn't enjoy the Bee at all. "Susan" said that she sometimes felt the same way, but kept quiet. She said she would talk to the organizer. Susan also begged me not to leave the Bee. "Please come back".She must have asked 9/10 times. I told her I would think about it and to please let me know how her conversation went with the organizer. I am actually proud of myself for standing up and saying something. I felt I was clear, calm and touched all the important points. Yeah me!
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