Old 08-25-2011, 10:26 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Grew up in WV but retired in Between, GA
Posts: 1,046

My dearest female friend is in the area but actually too far away to visit often. She is also my quilting friend and we decided to form our own guild--a 2 person long distance guild which we call "Quilting Until 100" because we think it will take us at least that long to make all the quilts we love so much. But we e-mail everyday and that is what keeps me up and going and quilting. We share our love of quilting and patterns and whatever else one or the other happens to come across that we want the other one to see. Of course we send pictures the very minute we get something new started or finished or just want to share.

My best friend who lives close is my hubby and you cannot beat that at all. I have decided that if I were running around to meetings and guilds there would not be enough time to do my quilting because there is a house to keep up, we have a huge garden which keeps us both busy in the summer and we visit with our girls and grandchildren often.
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