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Old 08-26-2011, 11:14 AM
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Location: Lehigh Valley, PA
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I heard that New York is releasing water from the dams, the Delaware is gonna flood, no doubt about it, it's already to the banks because of all the rain we just had. And with 5 to 10 inches, there's no doubt it's gonna be like Ivan all over again, I'll see if I can find some pics and scan them all in. Maybe I'll go dowin to Easton again (in the safe areas) and takes pics of what Irene did and show an Ivan/Irene side by side. But prayers and best of luck to all you on the shore.

on a side note, it's been an interesting week, first an earthquake, now a hurricane! One of my neighbors told my mom, "God is speaking, but the sinners aren't listening!" Me, all I have to say is "I'm hearing you loud and clear!"
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