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Old 08-26-2011, 04:43 PM
jquilts75's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Lafayette, IN
Posts: 44

Very nice job. I too take a load of meds & going to the dr office with the list can be a big mess so I found this great free site to organize my med list.
It's very easy to use & then when you get to print it out you have the option to print full page to many in my case... so I opt for Wallet size & make sure my printer is set to copy on both sides. It even shows you where to fold the paper & where to trim it to credit card size....Yeah much better. I hope this helps you should also include the supplements & over-the-counter drugs cause they can affect the Rx's you're on..If you have any???pm me & I'll be gald to help
Jan :thumbup: :thumbup:
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