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Old 06-16-2009, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by BlueChicken
Originally Posted by omak
Amazing how basic we really are, isn't it? I'm glad you got the insight.
Sorry to hear about your not so fun excitement. Glad to hear it turned out to be not so bad as it could have been.
Misfortunes tend to help us realize just how fragile we humans are, and how quickly things can change, up or down.
I try to plan handwork or quiet sewing time in the livingroom with hubby when he is home ... I don't have to be looking deeply into his eyes every moment, but being able to just "be" together helps us a lot.
And, now! Your five minutes are up! <g>
That's it exactly.... we don't have to be gazing lovingly into each others eyes or anything mushy... even just watching tv is "together".
You are both so right! That is what partners and friends are for, and we are both.
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