Thread: Pinterest
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Old 08-27-2011, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by RST
I'm not worried about the privacy policy.

I guess if you were compiling state secrets, it wouldn't be the best place to keep them organized. I'm just pinning stuff from blogs and websites so I can find it again.

The cookies have caused no problems for our computer system, and we've not had any firewall issues.

I do know some people who have made their boards entirely annonymous (switch to using a pseudonym after sign up) but since the whole point is to share your boards and likes with people you know, as well as meet and connect with people who have similar interests and tastes -- well, why would you? Unless you're the one who's guilty of inflicting the ridiculous "Keep Calm and __ " posters on the interwebs ; )

I think it's a great boon for quilters. I wanted to make a quilt for a friend, but I don't have strong sense of her color preferences or style. But after looking through her Pinterest Boards, I have a very good idea of what she likes and can make something that will coordinate perfectly with her new bedroom colors. Just one example.

was trying to quote you in my first post.Totally agree with you, I love the site.Have found so many things i love and have made friends there.
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