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Old 09-03-2011, 03:04 AM
mainelynn2's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 27

Originally Posted by Izy
Originally Posted by mainelynn2
Originally Posted by Izy
I started this towards the end of July after spending weeks cutting up all my small scraps into whatever size squares I could get! It has been so much fun concentrating on colour value rather than coordinating colours for a change!!

I have only added borders to the sides and bottom as this will be used on our sofa bed it measures 87" square, I'm gonna have fun quilting/wrestling this one through my DSM !!! :lol: :D :D :D

For all of you out there that hasn't bitten the bullet and gone totally scrappy, get cutting up your scraps and join in the fun!

Thanks again, Grammy Dywnn for starting your scrap quilts topic, I don't think I would have been brave enough to do this without all the inspirational quilts posted, so thanks everyone :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Finally a totally scrappy quilt, and used all scraps, it looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Thank you so much....
Thank you, I have also made the backing totally scrappy too! Here's a link to it in case you missed it:

Thanks again for all your fantastic compliments! I will be layering up this weekend and to complete it...I will no doubt be doing 'scrappy' free motion as this is rather a large quilt to squeeze through my Janome LOL
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
the back of your quilt is just as beautiful as the front, I have seen others say their's was a scrappy quilt but it didn't look it, too much of the same colors they must have had a lot of four or five colors, yours is scrappy, all different colors just what I like to see a TRULY SCRAPPY quilt, just beautiful, you really made my day, now I am going to do a totally scrappy quilt. Thank you again... :)
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