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Old 09-03-2011, 10:49 AM
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: La Pine Oregon, USA
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So I have this quilt for a LQS that NEEDS to be quilted. I have it 1/3 done. DH left last weekend for a week of fishing. I've been having headaches -- ignored them, but Thursday nite I got scared. I had chills so bad for 45 minutes that I thought I'd break my jaws I was chattering so bad. Called Doctor on Friday and went in. She says I'm having migraines.....gave me a shot and some meds. By the time I got home, I crawled in bed and went to sleep. (now you know that the quilt isn't getting done very fast) The cats were outside!!!!! At 10:45 I got a call from my neighbor. Seems one of my cats got tangled with her visiting son's dog. OH NO! I ran over there. Dasher was under their PU, hiding behing the wheel. I got him out and he was bleeding. I couldn't drive -- meds making me woozy and dizzy!!! I took him to emergency vet 35 miles away this morning. He's lost or hurt the claws on all 4 paws! Poor little guy! They gave him a shot for pain, some pain meds and antibiotics. I feel SO bad for him!!!!

Then DH called at 11:00 and said "Hi honey -- did you have a great week without me?"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:
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