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Old 09-17-2011, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by MoMoSews
Originally Posted by Sheila_H
I don't think in today's business that there should be any unions, they've pretty much been the reason factories, other businesses shut down. They go on strike and the union bosses collect their full time pay while others lose their cars, homes, jobs. We have enough rules and regulations in place now by law to protect workers and their rights, so employers should be telling the unions to take a hike.

I wonder what the shipping rates are going to be like if USPS shuts down completely, how are people going to send things to one another? It's not like everyone has a UPS or FedEx account.
I disagree! I was a union factory worker for 34 years. The reason businesses close down is because of all our jobs moving overseas by greedy corporations. My DIL works for the postal service, and they have been cutting back for years!! When someone retires they just give their work to someone else. No one gets to work full time anymore and the benefits are slim!
Unions are like a coin - there's two sides. They protect people who shouldn't loose their jobs BUT they also keep people who goof off and don't work very hard. They work to get the employees a good wage BUT those good wages drive up the price of the product causing them to get wedged out of the market. After all if the company can't make a profit how can they stay in business. Unfortunately lots of thing contribute to a business closing. Look at how many blacksmiths there are now technology has greatly reduced their numbers since we so seldom use horses as a means of transportation. Hopefully they won't do away with the postal system but I'm sure there will be changes.
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