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Old 09-21-2011, 04:14 PM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Silex,MO
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by ckcowl
lots of them- they range in price from $125 to over a thousand- it depends on the quilt-the design-the size- the materials- and of course the work.
one summer the 'adult kids' and i made about 45 beach/picnic quilts---we sold all of them! $175 each by the time the season ended we were so tired of making them!
too bad we didn't keep one for each of us---'cause now the kids would like one for themselves- but want me to make it for them---and i really don't want to--i dislike production sewing/quilting
I replied but it went into a separate post. Do you have the pattern or link to the pattern for these beach/picnic quilts? That sounds like something I might like to do for some of my family. Do you have a picture?
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