Thread: C-PAP anyone?
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Old 09-24-2011, 05:07 PM
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I had a C-pap for several years before I started to use it regularly. That was after a minor surgery and while in recovery I kept setting the alarm off when I stopped breathing. The anathesiologist (can't spell it) came in and read me the riot act, scared me silly. I am now using a Bi-pap machine, the next step up, because I not only wasn't breathing in, I wasn't breathing out. It takes awhile to get the head gear adjusted so it doesn't slip around. But keep at it until you have it right. I keep my machine on the end table and put the hose above my head between my pillow and the headboard. I sleep so well with the Bi-pap that I don't hear the hose noise anymore. Please keep trying until you get it right. The people at the company that provides your machine, filters and masks can help with lots of these problems. Bless you.
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