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Old 09-25-2011, 01:19 PM
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Location: Sacramento, Ca. USA
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Originally Posted by Annie68
Originally Posted by kayahr
Again!!?? I liked the old magazine. I remember he wrote an article about quiltzillas right about the time I had been punched (closed fist) in the chest by a fellow quilt guild member. Not that it made me feel any better knowing that kind of stuff happened elsewhere, but I know to be on my guard. If he hadn't written about something so outrageous, I wouldn't have known!
Do tell us about that incident! So sorry that happened to you, sounds like it may have been rather traumatic.
((((((It was somebody I knew. I think she was over six feet tall. Husky. Always well-dressed and well-coiffed and well made up. President of the evening group of the guild I belonged to and in charge of the quilt show in another guild we both belonged to. Very generous with her little gifts to everyone who attended an evening meeting. I was in a quilt shop one afternoon when she stormed in. I said hi and she said something about how she wouldn't talk to me because of what I had done. I should have let it go right there. I didn't know what she was alluding to, so I went to the back of the store to ask her if she wanted to talk. I never did figure out what she was accusing me of. She got pretty agitated. Head rolling, looking at the ceiling, shouting. Next thing I knew she had punched me int he chest. The shop owner was standing right behind her. Took me a few minutes, but I decided to drive down to the police station and fill out a report. They asked whether I wanted to appear before a magistrate or just have a police officer talk with her. If I had known then that this had happened before, I would have opted for the magistrate. The shop owner insisted that the whole thing never happened. When I dropped my jaw, the shop owner said, "Well, you were in her way." The puncher was from Texas. This occurred in Nevada. I was told it was just a form of Wild West Justice. They kicked me out of one guild after I showed someone a copy of the police report -- two accosted me in the parking lot and wanted to give back my dues money. That was when I found out that similar things had happened before in that group. Traumatic -- I was more amazed at the time it happened, but my doctor said that if she had hit me closer to my heart that I could have been severely injured or died from the pounding. Wild West Justice when someone is in your way. Where I come from we say, "Excuse me please. I'd like to get by." Shouting "get out of my way" would have even been more acceptable at the time![/quote))))))

There are "bad apples" in any state, city, social group, school, etc.
There has to be thousands of quilt guilds in this country that doesn't have a"bad apple" like that. I just went to my first meeting at a guild. Everyone went out of their way to make me feel wanted and welcomed.
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