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Old 09-26-2011, 04:01 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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the quilting recommendations are quite important- and should always be checked- purchase a batt that meets the requirements for the quilting you plan to do- 2"-4" is fairly dense quilting--if it is not done within the (guidelines) the batting will pull apart-ball up and create a lumpy quilt with areas of no batting (because it is all balled up) over time with washings....warm & natural and other batts with scrim allow larger areas to go unquilted but you still need to quilt them to the recommendations. more is ok- less will cause (heart ache) somewhere down the road if the quilt is used and laundered.
every 2"-4" means there should be a line of quilting every 2" to 4" everywhere on the quilt- not just in furrows= they need to be crossed too- it's all over the quilt
you can use batting that needs 10" quilting then just go around blocks but the quilting needs to go in both directions- vertical and horizontal- not just in one direction.
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