Old 10-15-2011, 10:34 PM
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Location: Bellevue, WA
Posts: 735

My dad is a doctor, I worked in hospitals to put myself through college so I have quite a bit of experience with the medical community. I think the issue is two fold, 1) very few people take responsibility for their own health care, and 2) Lots of people still see doctors as some sort of god.

My attitude about doctors is that it is their job to give me the very best education that they can about whatever is wrong with me, give me their best advice and then understand that I am going to make my own decision based on what I think is right for me. I hate it when doctors make decisions for patients and then they don't have to stick around to deal with the consequences.

This is my life and my decision, that makes it my responsibility. If a doctor is not listening to me I tell them that is my impression. If I know that something is wrong and they don't take me seriously I find another doctor. I also practice alternative care strategies because there are just some things that western medicine doesn't understand.

Here is my approach. Upfront and directly I tell a doctor what I expect and ask them if they can live with that. I pull no punches and don't take any crap, EVER!!
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