Old 07-25-2009, 07:17 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,025

Oh...and don't get "concerned" about your center. We will all do these to the best of our OWN ABILITY...this is NOT a contest, nor a judged show of any kind. This is a fun and social long distance quilting bee...so to speak.
Yea, and if it comes to me and I REALLY like it, you might not get it back. lol

This is just for fun. Like was said before, we all have our own talents, hidden or otherwise.
Just do your best, don't stress. It's all fun and a learning experience!

Terri - just so you know, I like lizards - but if they sneak up on me unawares, I tend to yell 'EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!' Don't know what I'd do if I found one of your 3 foot beauties [and s/he IS a beauty, no matter what the others say!] on my doorstep! After I finished EEEEEEEEEEEking, I'd grab the camera for PROOF LOL
I'm just glad the BIG ones stay outside. I have the little ones in the house that will startle me once in a while.
I'm just REALLY glad that none have crawled into a box before I have sent one. I bet the recievers of the boxes are glad too! lol
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