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Old 07-26-2009, 06:00 AM
Lady Diana
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Keller, TX
Posts: 1,923

Three is our area closed their fabric dept. but there is one in a more affluent area that still has theirs open. I asked if there were going to close that dept. and they said they had no intention of closing it.

Sometimes it has to do with the store manager as well. If you want to keep yours open in your WalMart, tell all of your friends to either speak to or write to the store manager to tell him or her how important this department is to you and your guild.

It amazes me that Walmart is even closing the ones they have. I spoke to one of the sales ladies that moved from three different walmart stores around the DFW area. I asked her if the reason they were closing their new store fabric dept was because of low sales on fabric. She said NO, their sales had been great. She believed it was the manager, shortly after the close, they expanded electronics into the area. (more sales dollars per sq.ft.)

I have found a quilt store that sells brand name $9 a yard fabric for $4.99 the year around. She has deliveries every week from an out of state wholesaler, so when a bolt is gone, it is gone. But what a great price for the best.

Diana in Texas
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