Thread: small gestures
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Old 11-05-2011, 08:57 PM
Gramie bj
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Originally Posted by Cheshirecatquilter View Post
What is the best thing anyone ever did for you or gave you to encourage your sewing and quilting? I'm not talking grand gestures like buying super expensive machines or remodeling an entire room for your use. We all salivate over those stories. My mom, now gone 7 years, gave me a small sewing table (about 24"X48") with a recessed shelf to hold the machine about 25 years ago. The panel that covers the shelf when closed as a table swings out to the right side and provides a little more space to pile things. It's sort of portable, with a little sweat, very simple, but soooo useful. I thank her every day.
My Grand mother is still with us at 102 years her Birthday was Sept.29 on Oct 1 we had a birthday party for her at the assisted living facility where she now lives. I realized at the end of Aug that although Grandma Ruth and her Mother my grandma Grace had taught me the beginings of needle work and quilting that I had never heard of anyone giving either of them a quilt. So for her birthday I made her an oversize lap quilt. nothing fancy, bright colored large blockd with yellow flannel on the back. Grandma Ruth is blind now and does not really remember many of us. When she unwraped the quilt someone had to tell her what it was.She ran her hands over it and kep saying beautiful, beautiful, Than she turned her head, she had tears in her eyes, took my hand and smiled at me. No more words from her for the rest of the day, but for a min. I think she remembered me.
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