Thread: small gestures
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Old 11-06-2011, 01:29 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Lived in San Diego now retired in Eagar, AZ.
Posts: 887

i would have to say that my mother gave me the best compliment that kept me sewing. the summer between the 7th and 8th grade was the first time i made my whole school wardrobe with my own money from babysitting. when it was time to get school clothes, she told me that since i had saved her my whole school clothes budget, i could have all the colors of purses and shoes that i wanted. this was in the days of 'candy apple red patent' and turquoise and yellow....and of course, white and black patents as well.... i had them all and as i was grown, it was really not extravagant...they lasted for a long time with just a new color now and then to replace...the bags lasted all the way thru high school.... one of my favorites was candy apple brown T straps.... it was not like her to hand out a simple compliment, she never wanted us to get a 'swelled head'... but she was proud of my sewing skills and thrilled that i was independent enough to buy my own fabric... she rarely let me know that she approved but she would make me drag out my latest project for the neighbors....thanks for the question... nice memory....
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