Thread: small gestures
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Old 11-08-2011, 07:31 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Yes, the compliments are great and even though I might see millions of mistakes most of the people that I know are none quilters and they only see the beauty of the quilt and not the mistakes. I have say though the thing that makes me want to do more is my 5yr old grandson. I have 5 kids and lots of grandkids but this one; he loves quilting. He's already picked out which of my machines is his; a treadle, I think the no electricity part intrigues him. He thinks sewing is great. My daughter has made a few block quilts and enjoyed it but when she moved out a few months ago she said she didn't have any space for her machine (my old one). This past weekend she had to sew buttons on my grandsons shirt and he watched her and was amazed that she did that. He said he was going to tell his GiGi (that would be me). The next day she came over to get her machine and said she could sew on the kitchen table. Her son was so proud of her that she wanted to do more. This little boy, Kaleb now inspires the both of us, one to do more (me) and the other to start doing more (his mom) What a joy he is.
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