Thread: UFOs
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Old 11-08-2011, 11:44 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 862

Before I joined Stashbusters in 2003, I had more than 80 UFOs (projects started and 2 or more years old). That doesn't even count the PIGS (Projects in Grocery Sacks). Currently, I have about 75 UFOs and PIGS combined. Only 2 UFOs were abandoned (taken apart, fabric returned to stash, etc.). I'm not even going to go into the why this happened. I can only say that I'm much better. Most of my stuff is also not small - twin sized or larger - no crib quilts.

2012 will be a stashbusting year for me. I have a lot of theme fabric and I need to get those tops done so that I can use the leftovers for either the backs or to do block swaps. I need to severely restrict my fabric buying to pay for my latest gadget (Bernina 440 QE).
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