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Old 11-11-2011, 07:42 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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Default Argh - I still can't decide...

One of the guilds I belong to is hosting a quilt retreat this weekend. I signed up to go back in March or April, paid my fee, but never got around to reserving a hotel room - and resort is now sold out as it is a holiday weekend.

The guys were supposed to come with me as it is at a nice beach resort about 3 hours from here depending on traffic. Then we got the hockey schedule and Gus is playing 3 games at home (which is actually fortunate as the dogsitter isn't available this weekend anyway).

So now I'm torn (and the car is not packed...). I couldn't take the day off work as I was out last week with the 5th grade field trip. So I could leave around 6, and get in around 9 (to an alternate hotel - which doesn't really worry me, I travel for work so am used to staying in hotels) and stay the weekend...

I could get up early tomorrow, drive 3 hours each way and just stay the day - would still have about 8-10 hours of useful quilting time. Or I could leave early in the morning and spend the night, thus saving at least one hotel night and getting two days of quilting time...

Or I could skip the retreat and use the $$ towards a better chair for my sewing space, and go see my son play hockey... I'm not worried about losing the registration fee, it was reasonable, and less than what gas would cost both ways (not to mention food and housing... and the inevitable shopping). I doubt I'll get much done at home this weekend as I'll end up running out to the hockey games.

I like the folks in the guild but don't have any strong friendships there yet as I have frequent cub scout conflicts with the guild meetings.

Argh. Even typing all this out, I still can't make up my mind...

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