Thread: Daily Digest
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Old 11-13-2011, 05:02 PM
Jackie R
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It used to be so simple and easy to see different (current) threads - none of this clicking here to get to there and clicking somewhere in order to get to something else to see added posts to something you responded to prior but didn't have to go all over the place to subscribe to it - it was automatic e-mail update until you chose not to open an e-mail to check on a topic's update after which you wouldn't receive any further e-mail updates to a certain thread.

Sorry for the rambling all over the place but that's the way I'm starting to feel about the new site - it's all over the place with having to do this and that and something else to get it do what you want and then it doesn't always do it because I must be doing something wrong. I just don't have the time to read all the reams of instructions in order to accomplish a task - it was all so very simple in the old site - I miss it. I like the kiss principal (keep it simple stupid) that's what I need. I probably won't be using this site much (sad) because I find it's just not as straightforward and user friendly. Wish I could appreciate all the hard work people put into this new one but it's just not working for me, and I have tried and tried to get the hang of it.
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