Old 11-14-2011, 09:58 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Oceanside, CA
Posts: 847

You should start a journal on your litte FW. Write its' history and what follows. Someone in years to come will read it and say "WHY ON EARTH DID THOSE PEOPLE LOVE LITTLE BLACK SEWING MACHINES? THEY MUST HAVE BEEN LOONY
TOONS!" Well, they might have a point, I don't care I love my little machines and I don't care who knows! Enjoy your day, fellow FW lovers!!! :-)

Originally Posted by jeragan View Post
Way back when, in 1952, I took a sewing class in middle school, made a dress and got lucky when I won a brand new featherweight. I hated the dress, but I held onto the sewing machine. It has moved all over the world with me. I still have the table that came with it, which Hubby refinished. I just started quilting last year and am so thankful that I have this little jewel.
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