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Old 11-17-2011, 08:53 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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When I am choosing fabric for a quilt project, my mess spreads out all around the upstairs bedrooms. (My stash is in the closets in those bedrooms.) My sewing nook is a 7 x 11 attic nook in my office, so there is literally no spare space. Once I cut the fabric, and start to sew, I have to be neat. There is no room for clutter, but I don't put things back, like seam rippers (I have many), scissors (lots). For christmas I am getting a wood wall rack to hold my rulers, as they are all over. I am always searching for one that I know I have, but can't find it. Once or twice a year I get motivated to organize my stash, only to destroy it with the next project. I was just complaining to my dd yesterday at lunch that I miss the "big house", and just like a non quilter she said, "why don't you just use the fabric you have?" Don't buy any more!! Yee gads, do you think she has something there, am I addicted? to fabric? (we were at the casino having lunch, I told her that my addiction could be worse).

Originally Posted by #1piecemaker View Post
Okay. Am I the only one that makes a tee total mess when I am quilting? It is like when I clean house. Everything winds up out of place before it gets put back in place. I really don't see the need of putting things back where they belong as long as I am using them. and, since I work on my quilting the majority of the time... why put things away? that way they are there when I need them next? Does anyone else feel this way? Or is it just me? My DH is an absolute neat freak and everything has to be in order. Maybe I am just rebeling against his ordeliness and am creating utter caos? What do you think?
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