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Old 11-17-2011, 11:00 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Cashmere WA
Posts: 16

A few months ago I stumbled onto this site it was about midnight and I was about ready to go to bed, but someone was talking about using velcro to fasten their quilt into the frame instead of all the safty pins. I was tired and I thought I saved the site but have never been able to find it again. I rushed right out the next day and bought a huge roll of velcro but that is a far as I have gotten. Does anyone know how to do this? I assume you would sew one side of the velcro to the leader on the frame, but would you sew the other to the quilt top, backing ??? The person was talking about something she had done wrong and was so glad she had used velcro and not pins, because with the velcro it was so easy to correct. Can anyone help me with this. Thanks in advance
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