Old 11-21-2011, 09:33 AM
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When I buy a DVD I share it with my family, I didn't buy it to watch by myself. I also will watch DVD's that my family and or friends buy. we are not copying it or selling it.
But when I buy fabric I intend to use it as I see fit, sell it or give it away. If I can't do this I won't buy it.

Originally Posted by JulieR View Post
If you buy a DVD it is NOT yours with which to do "as you please;" if you make a profit by showing it to or copying it for others, you are in violation of federal law.

Why is everyone so up in arms about fabric? It isn't different. Neither is buying a pattern that states you cannot reproduce it, or create items for sale from it. It isn't a new concept and I have fabric and patterns going back years that carry this restriction.

This whole thread just plain astounds me. And not in a good way.
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