Thread: Mouse
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Old 11-26-2011, 03:30 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: North Dakota
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A mouse trap with a small piece of bread and butter and then light a match and burn it a little toasty. Set it there and go somewhere else so it is nice and quiet. A little while later you will have the little bugger in the trap. Decon needs water for them to drink after they eat it otherwise they bloat and stink. They are suppose to just dry up if you have water there. My favorite is some milk and antifreeze if you don't have any pets that might drink it. That kills them deader than a doornail now. do the same thing for rats. Only use bigger bait, like Tomcat or Warfarin. That is what Coumadin is--warfarin is a blood thinner and it causes them to have hemorraghic bleds. That is what killed my mother on the 2nd of Nov. She had one that started about 2 weeks before and of course she didn't know until the thing got so big that she went into a coma, that she never came out of. I prayed to God that she would take her so she didn't have to lay there. The dr said she wasn't suffering, but my Dad was to see her lying there like that. Good thing they had living wills to stop them from hooking her up to all kinds of things.
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