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Old 11-30-2011, 08:20 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: WI
Posts: 706

Wish you were alone in such odd behavior. We restore machines and have had our share of good and bad. There are those who want you to take the lot of everything and those who have preconcieved ideas of what you should do with it all. Some think they can recover and make a profit on what they paid for materials etc over years of collecting and often neglect. That's when we head for the door and wish them well. In some cases when people tell us a friend said it was worth... we say- well, put your friend to the test since they know the worth let them do the leg work to make it sellable and get that price. Call if you change your mind- some we hope never call honestly. (we've gotten smarter- we tell them what it is worth to us and what we don't want we'll be happy to donate to a charity thrift store on their behalf and send them the donation slip which they can claim on their taxes- not to be mean but to be mean but upfront and blunt so there is less hemming and hawing)

Last edited by writerwomen; 11-30-2011 at 08:24 PM.
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