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Old 12-02-2011, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by kims View Post
have you ever had one of those days when everything you try to do goes wrong!

I'm working on a christmas gift for a friend that's made from paper pieced blocks. What could be easier? iron has something really yucky on it so cleaned it with a little water and baking soda. Seemed to be alright except on one place toward the back of the iron. This block has white in it so what do i do? Yep! Use the whole iron and get this nasty mark all over the white fabric again. Tear the block apart and replace the piece. Then i did the same thing again!!! Tear it out again and the piece i used was too small so had to rip it out again. When i was doing that i tore the piece next to it so now i have to rip out two pieces. Got the first of the two pieces sewn into place and instead of cutting to the 1/4" seam, with the new piece folded back, i had it forward and cut the piece off. Oh my gosh!!! Get ready to sew the piece, once again, and break the needle on my machine. While changing out the needle i smelled something burning. One of the handles of my brand new karen kay buckley scissors was against the iron and had melted. So now i have something else on my iron and a melted section on my scissors. This 6"x8" block has taken me over an hour to make.

Whine, whine, sniffle, sniffle, pout, pout...poor, poor pitiful me. Do i dare start another one day???
if at possible just put every thing away and start again tomorrow or some other day thats what i try and do it usually works better the 2nd time around.
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