Old 12-06-2011, 07:40 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Folsom, CA
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Nancy I tried to PM you but your box is full. I am hoping that your concerns are addressed as I understand what you are saying. PM me and I will send you my message. I would like very much to support you in your efforts.

Originally Posted by Rita's mom View Post
I hope this doesn't come off sounding snarky or mean but I would like to say as far as people not sending their FQ's at the end of the month, maybe sending them in at the beginning of the month would solve alot of the problems of the winner not recieving all of their deserved FQ's at the end of the month. I know it has been an ongoing problem.

I have followed this thread for almost a year now, and for the first couple of months I didn't lose any weight but then I got really inspired by Missy and a few others that were posting at the time. Because like others on here I don't have any support or encouragement here at home, so having support from others on here(something I have never had before) made all the difference in the world, and I lost 49 pounds. I still have more to lose but have sort of stalled out the last few months.

I am not sure why so many people stop posting on a regular basis as the month goes on. As I said earlier I have followed this thread for almost a year now, so I am far from a new person. I used to post regularly, but for the past several months I have definately gotten the feeling that when I post I might as well be talking to the wall. It seems like people will post and address the people above and below my post and completely ignor anything I posted, or like anything I post somehow is not being seen by anyone else but me. It feels like there are a select few people on here who have become familiar with each other and that is the only people they care to address or support.

I know that communicating through writing is tricky because things can sound harsh or completely different than you mean them to, I know that I tend to make a joke about things that I struggle with when I talk about them and have spent alot of time worrying that I have affended someone on here because of that or that something I wrote came off sounding different than I ment it to. I didn't participate in Oct. because of this feeling and then MJ posted that they needed people to post more often and be involved so I thought that the way I was feeling was all in my head and I joined last month and had exactly the same experience as before. I don't mean this to sound rude but sometimes it feels like a little highschool clique and only a certain few are included in it and the rest are ignored until they get the message and go away. I have even sent PM's of praise or concern to two of the oldest participants on this thread because after almost a year you really do come to care about their struggles and feel happy for their successes, and they were ignored also. I don't mean to sound like I am whining I just thought I would offer the thought that others may have had simular experiences and stopped posting/participating because of it. It is just a thought and I hope I haven't offended anyone by what I have said it is just my experience on here not nessesarilly anyone elses.
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