Old 12-08-2011, 10:41 AM
grann of 6
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Glenmoore, PA
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Originally Posted by ljs317
Ok Grann and Dreamer I would love to join your new thread but could we also include snickerdoodles and singing?
emphasis on the snickerdoodles!!!!!!!!!!!!! and other people singing out loud and proud ( others like me and grann humming)
LJS, you are more than welcome to join the new thread when I get it started. Soon. But there is only one catch (actually 2), you have to LOVE quilting, and you have to LOVE animals. Dreamer and I are addicted to marestare.com. We belong to an "Elite club" called Annie's Aunties. It's a rather long story, best to be told on a different thread. When I get the new thread started (or blog) I will explain to any newcomers who are interested. I LOVE quilting, and I love my 2 dogs, along with any other 4-footed or hoofed animal that steps in my path. There are a couple others here that are also Annie's Aunties. You know who you are. Anyway, we will surely have lots of out of tune singing, some snickerdoodles, hot chocolate for those of you who drink that stuff. I will even throw in a little Irish Cream and my personal favorite, Pinot Grigio.
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