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Old 12-12-2011, 02:22 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Posts: 976

I am glad I'm not alone with all this relationship road blocks. I generally don't allow too many people close into my family ciricle. However, a woman at work was going through a very messy separation/divorce. We bonded together like we were sisters, we talked every day, texted each other at night. When her ex suddenly decided he was moving back into the house she had no place to go we offered her our spare bedroom. She stayed with us for 3 months, we took her to California for her 40th birthday.
Enter new boyfriend into her life, now she has zero time for us - we tell her it's fine to bring her boyfriend but we miss her. I was devastated that there was no more emails, no more texts, no visits, no spending time with us. I thought well it's a new relationship I won't interfere she'll come around. Nope after 2 years I've seen them 3 times and that was just to exchange Christmas or Birthday presents. She tells me that nothing as changed with our relationship we're still friends - really?? I've literally spent nights crying my eyes out that she no longer includes me in her life, and the kicker to all of this is her boyfriend's house is 2 mins down the road from mine, she has to drive by my house every time she goes to his place, so there's no excuse. Last Christmas I didn't even get a text saying Merry Christmas I get a text from her 3 days after Christmas to check in, I told her my grandson had to go to the emergency room on Christmas eve. She didn't even ask how he was. I'm at the point now where I really don't care if she calls or visits, and I won't let anyone do this to me again.
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