Thread: Too Funny
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Old 12-14-2011, 04:08 PM
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LOL, my daughter is also a teacher and I know she is thrilled when she meets parents who take an active interest in their child's education. At the same time, she is very involved and active in her children's education and schools. She has a star student and an "I don't know and I don't care" student as her own children. How does this happen? Same family, same home environment, same involved parent and same schools and teachers. My question is rhetorical. It happens because each child is unique and individual and there is no one right answer to any of the problems and issues.

I also know that I can be made to stand quietly and listen to one or 100 people pray in any faith they choose, but not for one second can anyone anywhere force ME to pray. I also know that if I want to pray, no one anywhere can stop me from doing so. Since when is it only possible to pray if it is done in a designated time and in a spoken voice? No one can take prayer out of school or anywhere else as we each can pray anywhere and anytime we want.
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