Thread: Spelling
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Old 12-15-2011, 07:01 PM
Rose L
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I've only come across one post in the the time I have been here that I could not make out what the poster was asking. There were others though who seemed to understand exactly what the topic was however and replied with understandable answers. When I type here, I get red ziggy underlining under the words that I'm spelling incorrectly. I have learned a trick, on my PC at least, that I can go up to the main search bar on my PC and start to type in a word. Then a list drops down with suggestions and I can usually choose the correct word from that list and figure out how I'm SUPPOSED to be spelling it. For me a lifetime of spinal compression has caused comprehension problems with my brain so that spelling has become difficult for me. Add to that that even though I proof read every post there is something missing in my brain that allows me to leave out whole words at a time and rereading does not let me see my error in this. But if I go back to continue reading an older post that has had more replies I will see that a word is missing at that time. It's very frustrating so I don't post as often as I would like to. We all just do the best that we can and we must all be tolerant of others short comings because often, there is nothing that can be done about it.

Last edited by Rose L; 12-15-2011 at 07:05 PM.
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