Old 12-16-2011, 05:57 AM
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i wrote a long response to y'all and the cosmos ate it! disappeared--gone. anyway, all i was saying is , i don't make cookies so this week's taboo will be a cinch for me! now, when pies become taboo...
mj-- i'm so sorry you're having increasing health problems. on the bright side, you are probably more than halfway to your walking destination just by getting up and walking to the loo and back. i hope the rest of the fluid leaves as quickly as the 1st half!
christmas day at our house is a very quiet and peaceful time (till the football game, of course!). i used to put out a jigsaw puzzle and people would come in and out, putting pieces together. we'd have a late nite supper of homemade soup and fresh bread. very low key and casual. this year the pieces i'll be putting together are cloth, and dh will be the only one eating fresh bread. lol. if we 'd fixed the fireplace when we moved in we could have a cheerful blaze. next year! this year will be quieter than usual as all the kids are grown and flown, and we will be remembering those who have left us.
jeanne-- i'm kinda glad you had a slight rise in weight- it means you'll stay with us! but i'm all for you losing it if you'll promise not to leave us!
for those of you contemplating having your jaw wired shut--be careful what you wish for! it is the closest thing to hell on earth! my son had to have it done and i never met anyone more miserable! chew gum-- 5-15 calories and you must burn at least that chewing it. if you're lucky you'll be able to blow bubbles-a definite plus to my way of thinking! 8-)
murphy-- i know there was some comment i was going to make on your post, and that's why i lost my first comments, i can't leave for another page. now i can't remember (again) what it was i wanted to say! crs is not for the weak hearted. now i remember! making things is alot more fun than buying things, i agree! and being retired, as i like to call myself, has definite pluses. my time is my own to do as i please. and i have time to sew and chat and dream. my needs may be less, but my retail therapy sessions are still expensive. i have yet to accept that i really don't need all these dresses i keep buying! is that some kind of psychosis? any shrinks in the house? i guess it's better than comfort food cramming!
beachbound-- it took me so long to write my post, you got my gum idea! teach me to be so wordy! (in reality probably not! i'm just as talkative in person.)
everybody have a wonderful week-end! i will be busy sewing! quess who's getting a new sewing machine early next year! i'm not saying , but it's someone very near and dear to my sweet dh!

Last edited by nancia; 12-16-2011 at 06:16 AM.
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