Thread: Spelling
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Old 12-16-2011, 07:50 AM
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I have a free spell check that works well for It works everywhere just fine, on any web site where you might want to post. It is easy to get, safe and works great. I could not find the formating menu bar. I still find the new site quite confusing. However what grates on my nerves in regards to spelling is not misspelling but misuse of homyns....a boarder is someone who pays to live in a house or is getting on something....a border is an edge of some thing, like the part that goes around the edge of a quilt. Although there may be other uses of these words I have not mentioned if a boarder is on a quilt the it means he or she is sitting on it. Then there are the no such is always "regardless" irregardless is not a word. I guess I am sensitive to grammar and words ever since I read "Language in Thought and Action" years ago and realized that words have real power, both for change and how the speaker is perceived. The meaning and context of words can bless or damn you in the mind of the listener. Having said that I realize language is a living evolving entity. Using "u r rht" instead of "you are right" in text messages and such is bleeding over into more traditional writting...if you are familiar with cyber speak just remember not all of us are and you might be judged ignorant when you are merely being trendy.
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