Old 12-16-2011, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by lauriejo View Post
Lisa my dad has one of those collars but doesn't have a dog anymore, I could mail it to ya lol!

I am one of those people that play facebook games, boy are they addicting. I used to join a game anytime someone I knew sent me an invite. I finally had to quit most of them, they were making me nuts. Now I just play FarmVille and Words with Friends. That is all I can handle.

MJ I like the traditions you posted, I told hubby and DS we need to find some new ways to celebrate since it is just the three of us. The one thing DS wants to do is bake cookies lol. He really misses all the plates of homemade cookies we used to get. Now that we are both on the gluten free diet he can't even eat the cookies at the few parties we do go to. So we will be baking our own. At the grocery the other day they had gluten free flour priced at less than half the usual price so I bought a bunch. I will do my best to behave, but I do love homemade cookies.

Pam any word on Ethan, how is he doing on his diet?

Xylie good to see you post, you have been missed. Nancia may be right about a bone bruise. Those are brutal and all you can do is wait for it to heal.

Meanmom what does the chiropracter do for plantar faciitis? I have to stretch in the morning or I can't even get out of bed.

It's nice to see some new "faces", the more the merrier! The more people we get to join, the more encouragement and tips for everyone. I have been playing the 12 Days of Christmas PIF game, and whenever a new one starts I see it mentioned on a couple other long going threads. Maybe we should do that when MJ starts the thread in January. A lot of people start diets in January, and we could all help each other. So, if we each mention it on another group thread it might help other people to find this thread.

After making a pig of myself the last week of November, I ended the month way up. So far I'm not making much progess at getting rid of it, but at least the number is not going any further up.
I agree with everything you said.And your quote at the bottom of your page is me exactly.I always love finding things I completely forgot about,that I didn't know I had,or knew I have it,but where? LOL!
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