Old 12-16-2011, 10:10 PM
Pam H
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Wisconsin
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Ethan got out of the hospital on sunday. There was finally an update tonight. He is only drinking 4-6 oz of liquid a day. They are afraid he will get kidney stones. His seizures had decreased some and they were very hopeful that the diet was helping but the last 2 days they are bad again.
A friend gave me a pan of carrot cake. The cake is 3/4" thick and so is the frosting. Yuck! I ate a piece of it but only about 1/4 of the frosting.
I bought some Yogi tea. They have some very yummy flavors that I am hoping will help the sweet cravings. One kind I am going to try is called green tea blueberry slim life. What a title. It is supposed to give you energy while suppressing your appetite. Here is something interesting it says on the box: "Yoga to feed your mind Sit cross-legged or in a chair with spine straight and feet flat. With eyes closed close off right nostril with right hand and inhale slowly through left nostril. Hold breath as long as possible, then release slowly and hold out as long as possible. Continue for 1 to 3 minutes. What a soothing way to keep your appetite in check" Wouldn't that be something if something as simple as breathing through your left nostril can help you lose weight! I'll give the tea and the breathing a try tomorrow.
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