Old 12-18-2011, 08:15 AM
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Lauriejo my chiropractor uses something called the Graston technique. I had never had anything like it done before. He takes this little metal thing and rubs it kinda hard over the spot. I hurts a little and feels good at the same time. After a coupole of treatments my feet were a lot better. After a few weeks nearly completely better. He also recommended something called the stick. www.thestick.com I was very skeptical at first but I now use it faithfully every day. MY husband and son make fun of it but I think it works wonderfully. My feet are so much better. YOu roll it kinda hard over any sore or tight spots on your body. Also great on your thighs if they are sore after a workout. For your feet you lay it on the floor roll it back and forth with your foot. Once your foot is loosened up you can do it standing up and apply more pressure. It has done wonders for my feet. I appartently have flat feet and am getting custom insoles next week to help keep them in good shape. The stick works great for anywhere on your body that is tight. I have really tight hamstrings and they are also much better. Good luck I have had foot trouble for years and they are much better. The chiropractor i went to also does custom orthotics.
I actually lost a pound last week. I did work out a lot. I went to a christmas party last night and ate OK< not good but OK. Hopefully I will maintain my weight until New Years. Then the parties will be over and I will get back on track better. Did a marathin shopping expedition yesterday. I told my husband I wasn't coming home until I was done or dead tired. I left the house at 8:00 AM and got home at 7:15. Almost finished I need some things for my 22 year old son and a $15 gift for a gift exchange. I am trying to get my DD to shop for me this week. She is home from college and unemployed.
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