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Old 12-24-2011, 09:13 PM
Up North
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: North East Lower peninsula of Michigan
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Originally Posted by MaryMo View Post
I, too, am not feeling the marketed "Christmas Spirit". I wonder if it is the commercialism of the season or is it me growing older alone with family dwindling. I used to get excited about the music and presentations (The Nutcracker Ballet and Christmas Carol), but that's not doing it this year. I'm trying to enjoy excitement and spirit of others but I'm faking it, I know. Tomorrow I plan to get lost in a book and enjoy homemade vegetable soup and chocolate ice cream (only because I couldn't find egg nog ice cream this year). I wish you all an enjoyable Christmas ... anyway you can. and if anybody finds the secret of the season, let all the rest of know where it is.
Jesus is the reason for the season sometimes all we need is a nativity set to make us smile, a good book and some ice cream sounds good to me!! Let the commercialism go away there is no spirit in that. Maybe my sour Christmas spirit is because I lost a good Friend to a hear Attack on Monday but I have been feeling this way for a month! Have a Merry Christmas no matter how you decide to celebrate it!
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