Old 12-27-2011, 04:48 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Misssissippi
Posts: 3,196

Good morning Y'all!
I'm glad to see another newbie, and to see some of the regulars back.
I rejoice that Ethan was able to enjoy Christmas with family. Our family has many challenges with the grandbabies and several birth defects; we can appreciate each day for the gift it is.

I was not able to leave home Christmas Day as I had a very bad "spell" however I did get to celebrate with my niece and nephew on the Thursday before Christmas. DH and I had a great Christmas...we spent it together talking about Christmas way past with our grandparents and how different things were then.

I have had wonderful blood sugars over the holidays, all normal or very near normal in the 120's, such a blessing. No exercise except shuffling to the bathroom, but grateful I am able to do that.

I encourage you to examine your hearts before setting your goals for the New Year. What do you really desire? Is it a healthy weight? To be able to take less medication or avoid medication altogether? To improve your strength and stamina with longer exercise breaks?

Set your goals with your heart's desire in mind. Oversetting your goals will only frustrate and confuse. Pick something easy, then something challenging and then something tough! Tell us about where you are going and what you are doing...you never know, some one little something that is an after thought for you may be the impetus for someone else's start.

Good luck! and Healthy eating!
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