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Old 01-01-2012, 12:56 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Portage, MI
Posts: 651

Thanks for sharing! I live in Portage and if had heard this I would have thought what a great mom. My sister in law who lives in Grand Rapids tells the story of how her 5 year old never mentioned her pregnancy until they were in the check out line at the D&W. For awhile he would ask ?s. Most of them based on the upcoming birth. She simply told him the doector would help her. That would satisfy him and the rest of the shopping trip would be uneventful until the day when that question just was not enough. He then said, "HOW?" All of the shoppers and clerks nearby stopped what they were doing and waited for her reply? This is the same child that was very happy to ride in my VW Rabbit because he could see out the front window from the front passenger seat (this was before the new rules). I always wore Dr. Scholl's wooden sandals in the summer and I always had to kick off my left sandal to operate the clutch. That made him very curious and I explained it was so I could operate the clutch. At church the following Sunday he told how his Aunt Mina had crotch problems. I found this out because several of those who heard this story worked with me at Butterworth and the next day delighted in asking about my "crotch problem." LOL
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