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Old 01-07-2012, 12:33 PM
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one reason I do not want them to bring the electronics with them is because we do not want constantly setting time for electronic and time for sightseeing and stetting 5 minutes or whatever to stop playing. We want it to be educational trip. We do not want to be stressed by this, travel is stressful enough.
thank you for your wise advise, though

Originally Posted by Sierra View Post
We also have taken our gks on a trip each summer for the past 7 years (up to 5). We even took three to Alaska one year to spend time with their Alaskan cousins (10 exploring days up and 10 exploring days back plus the time there) when they all ranged from 6 to 9 years old. Electronics aren't an issue, except we skyped (when we could) each day so they could talk to moms and dads. There are two issues I see here. One is that these kids have a chance to experience the real world, be it history, hiking, boating, art,...... whatever and they will never get such a chance again... not at the age they are now with the vision they have now.

The second issue is much more important. If the parents would educate themselves as to what doctors and teaching authorities say about electronic games they would be limiting their children's use of such severely. Studies have been done when children watch the fast paced cartoons (which have an exciting event each 3 seconds .... sounds like our political ads, doesn't it). Anyway, they did brain wave studies of before and after and the children's brain use ability went way down after the frantic cartoons and stayed down for a rather long period of time. You (and the parents) would have to do their own research but, as a family we've done a lot of study on this subject and it seems to comes down to a choice between letting the kids do what "everyone else" is doing or using real experiences to help them develop into what I'd call "real" people.

The idea of letting them use the electonic toys while traveling might be OK, but there would need to be very strict guide lines... like only for one or two hours with an hour break off, and complaining (or not stopping w/in 5 minuetes) loses an hour of the next session. Sounds like the kids wouldn't do this (or the parents, either). I know not taking them will hurt you a lot but I can't see "wasting" a vacation for children who are only going to resent you.

Because of what you want to do I expect you are very intelligent people, and your children probably are also. That doesn't translate into intelligent actions. Those gks need to have parents who are willing to look into the damage that may be happening to the gks brains as well as their social and intellectual development . There needs to be some "wake-up" calls in our society. Even Time and Newsweek have had some very good articles on electronic and kids... but you can go deeper. I expect your kids are just too busy getting their own lives on the tracks they want to be aware of what they are allowing to happen to their own kids.

Good luck. Have fun this summer!
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